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Writer's pictureJJ & Melissa

Summer Praise Report

We’ve had an eventful summer here at Love All Around and would like to share a praise report.

We were blessed to be able to minister and share about missions again this year with Schuylkill County Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Every year CEF helps us raise awareness and support for specific missions projects which impact children. This year’s project was to partner with Missionaries Steve and Glenda Evans and raise money for children to attend kids camp in Zimbabwe.

Melissa taught the CEF camp about missions and showed slides of the children of Africa. After praying a very specific prayer to the effect of “Lord let this be the biggest offering they’ve ever received at CEF,” we shared our goals and asked the kids for help.

Every new day there were more donations and we were already feeling blessed. However, on the final day, the Lord answered our specific prayer about the offering. We were overjoyed to see the camp director’s face in astonishment as she proclaimed to us that she had “never seen anything like it!”

So much money had come into the camp on the final day that the director, Shelley, shared it was most likely the biggest offering they’ve ever had for a missions fundraiser at any day camp.

We are grateful to the children and families who contributed for each child in Zimbabwe to be able to go to kids camp and grow closer to the Lord. We are also grateful to God who provides for us and is able to do far more than we can ask, think or imagine.


The Children's Camp in Zimbabwe took place last week!

Missionary Glenda Evans reported this about the 4 day kids camp:

Ninety kids attended plus fifteen camp counselors who came from five churches. The kids were scholarshipped or given a huge discount so they only had to pay for transport. I shared the Bible stories with my friend Hope.

The pastor’s wife, Mama Khumalo in this photo & the kids came the furthest. The two boys walked 10kms to meet up with Mama Khumalo & take the bus.

I taught a Bible story on the 10 young girls with their lamps waiting for the groom. I dressed up the kids in my clothes & scarves

Getting hard boiled eggs & tea for breakfast

Activities in the afternoon for the kids

Soccer for the boys!!

The kids singing

The kids working on their memory verses in different groups

The cooks

The kids writing their memory verses in their homemade books

The kids call me “Gogo Joy”


Please pray with us that the children of Zimbabwe would be eternally impacted and take the light of the Gospel and the love of Christ to their homes and villages.

Would you please pray for Love All Around to continue to be able to be a blessing to others who need a helping hand?

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