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Writer's pictureMelissa Beauvais

Strange Places - God's Direction

As we venture into the strange places, led by the Lord, we go forth with full confidence in Him. His grace, His power, His authority.  Each step we take, believe it or not, has been brought forth under His direction.  The Scriptures teach us this truth on many occasions.

Proverbs 16:9 reads “A man plans His ways but the Lord directs His steps,” and in Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus, Ephesians 2:10, we read, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

One week ago, while venturing into some of the neediest regions of our city, I was blessed to experience the power of the Lord as men and women of all ages, nationalities and spiritual backgrounds approached our 12 passenger Chevy van looking for warmth.  Clothing, socks, jackets, long John’s, etc. were distributed along with a brief exhortation to cling to the cross and to know our Lord Jesus as Savior.  “God bless you’s” rang out from those homeless and poor as God’s gifts were received with grace and kindness. 

The gratitude of the first folks we encountered was very encouraging.  It felt great to know the donations were so desperately needed and hearing the deep appreciation in their voices made me want to come back as soon as possible.

But of course there’s always those “interesting” characters who, when met with aid, repay their helpers with angst rather than praise.  With entitlement rather than gratitude.

It’s in the midst of those less than desirable encounters where our motives before the Lord are put to the test and we are reminded why we do what we do.  Not for results… not for praise… not to make friends, but to do the Lord’s will. 

We have to be ready to die.  To "decrease" so that God’s Spirit may fully reign over our hearts and minds.  For in those moments He truly takes over and enables us to respond to lost souls in our absence.

“Pull over there… there in the park!  See those tents?  Let’s stop there!” As we passed by a local park, Melissa pointed out what seemed like a small village. 

Tents scattered about, filled with locals fighting to keep warm that cold, sunny day.

“Daddy!  Can we go play?” shouted our 4 and 6 year old children as we began to unload our jumbo bags of winter warmth from the back of the van to give to each person.

“Sure!  Stay close kids,” shouted Melissa as we worked our way around the park with department store bags filled with warm socks and hooded vests.  The children ran to the play area as we struck up conversation with an elderly couple.  This time as we opened our bag of supplies to bless the nice couple, a strange looking young man spotted us from the parking lot and began walking quickly toward us while also shouting obscenities at us. 

“Yo!  Where’s MY f-ing jacket?!?  You better have something for ME,” he yelled. 

As he drew near, I could see this man was not in his right mind but nothing led me to fear.  I noticed he had several tear-drop tattoos under his eyes and he looked like he wasn't going to yield so I closed up my bag, heightened my stance, looked him in the eyes and said, “You wouldn’t come to God like that so don’t approach His Servants like that.  You are speaking to Holy people!” 

To tell you the truth I’ve never said that to anyone before and I’ve never referred to myself or my family as “holy people” but it must’ve been the Lord having HIS way and filling my mouth because the young man instantly changed his demeanor, sat down on a park bench and let me preach to him. 

God had brought to me this man who was in desperate need of God’s love.

I had to laugh inside because this altercation could have turned out far worse.  But he sat and listened to all I had to say.  We talked about heaven and how to be sure to gain proper entry.  We discussed humility and how we must approach a holy and loving and just God.  We discussed God’s character and how badly we all need God to touch a fiery coal to our lips so our mouths can be purified.  He gradually began to settle down as I shared God’s LOVE, all the while eyeing the bag for something red to take home.  I looked at his outfit and he was already decked out in red from head to toe.

As I pulled the reddest hoody I could find out of that bag I praised God for His covering over us and prayed for the man whom God had sent to me… that he would find himself in a place where he might call upon the Lord humbly and be covered in the precious blood of Christ!

It takes a different kind of person to minister to men like this man, far from God, in need of cleansing and renewal.  God chooses those who are willing and eager to become more like His Son.  Men and women who are willing to look at every lost soul as someone whom they once were or could easily be if not for the grace of God!!!

God's servant is humble, willing, selfless and stands firm.  He walks in the strength and power of Almighty God.  If he is approached by obstinate men bringing angst and rebellion, he holds His ground.  He knows he has no authority of His own.  Only that which has been given him by the Lord.  He also knows that no man is too far gone or has drifted too far that he has become impossible for God to save. 

EVERY person created by God has infinite value and is eternally important and significant.

If you are a follower of Christ, God has called you holy.  He has set you apart for such a time as this so that revival may happen in the lives of those around you, even the most unworthy sinners in your midst.  May you glorify Him so that everyone you encounter would be brought to repentance and come to Christ.

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